No Nonsense Features

SENDUNE abstracts away all the complexity of sending Emails and SMS with AWS SES. What you get is a highly reliable way to deliver all your transactional and marketing messages at a fraction of the cost. Just connect your AWS Account to get started.

  • contact management

    Customer Data

    Store and tag all your contacts. For example if a user adds 'red shirt' to their wish-list, you attach the tag 'red shirt' to that user. You can then slice-n-dice this data to send targeted messages.

  • email editor and template designer


    SENDUNE integrates with your AWS SES account to send transactional and marketing emails. You can send emails manually via the dashboard or programmatically by calling the API or by using workflow rules.

  • sms composer


    SENDUNE integrates with your AWS SNS account to send transactional and marketing SMS (Text Messages). You can send SMS manually or via the API to 200 + countries and regions around the world.

  • one time password 2FA


    Use One Time Passwords (OTP's) to send single use codes for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) or other high value transactions. OTP SMS has a template that allows you to customize fields like App Name, OTP Size, and OTP Expiry Time.

  • workflow and message automation

    Message Workflows (beta)

    Automate your messaging with 'triggers' and 'if-this-then-that' rules. Design multi-step workflows without having to deal with messy and complex flowcharts.

  • email editor and template designer open source

    Drag and Drop Email Designer

    Built ground up, our email designer helps you craft professional and beautiful emails that work in every email client. No coding knowledge required. We've also open sourced this module so that any one can use it free of cost.

  • team management

    Team Management

    Invite team members to manage your SENDUNE account. Manage access through granular permissions. Actions by team members are logged for your internal audit purposes.

  • email collection popup

    Customer Support Popup

    Include the customer support popup into your app with a single line of code. Customer messages can be forwarded to an email destination of your choice where you can handle customer queries.

  • delivery statistics

    Delivery Statistics

    SENDUNE tracks every email that you send and provides campaign-wise aggregate statistics. SENDUNE also handles bounces, complaints, and unsubscribes out of the box.

  • spf dkim dmarc


    SENDUNE makes it easy for you to comply with industry best practices like SPF, DMARC, DKIM so that your emails are delivered to inboxes and not spam folders.

  • inbox visa


    InboxVISA™ is a collection of email sending best practices and real-time heuristics adopted by SENDUNE to protect you and guide emails safely into user inboxes.

  • team shared inbox

    Team Inbox (Shared Inbox)*

    Setup one or more team inboxes. Invite your team to handle customer support tickets.

    * Coming soon. Join Waitlist.


No credit card needed.