
All plans include ALL features.
Don't fret over plan comparisons.
Always start with the Free Plan.
No credit card needed.


    • Team Members - 1
    • Contacts - 5000
    • Emails - 50000
    • SMS - 50000
    • Transactional + Marketing
    • InboxVISA
    Sign up 
  • PAID - US$ 24 / Month

    • Team Members - 3
    • US$ 10 per extra member
    • Contacts - 100000
    • Emails - 250000
    • SMS - 250000
    • Transactional + Marketing
    • InboxVISA
    Sign up 

    • Custom limits
    • Dedicated Databases
    • Managed AWS SES/SMS
    • Multi AWS Region support
    • Deliverability Consulting
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • 99.95% Uptime SLA
    • Zero Data Loss SLA
    Contact us 

Prices are exclusive of taxes.
SENDUNE integrates with your AWS Account to send emails/sms. AWS will bill you directly.
Price Calculator.